VdGM Preconference 10 EUR

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The VdGM Pre-conference goes Viral!

We are happy to announce that despite the current development of the pandemic we will be able welcome all young doctors to the Berlin pre-conference - online.
The event will happen on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 from 9 am - 2 pm.

Be welcome to join our virtual meeting on "Wind of chage in family medicine" for 10€ only.

Programme outline

Loggin in

Opening, Welcome with Prof. Mehmet Ungan, Katarzyna Nessler, Prof. Erika Baum, Prof. Christoph Heintze

First Keynote Lecture by Prof. Stefan Wilm,Düsseldorf Germany
"Focusing on the role of the family in general practice - longing for nostalgic past or the profession's future?"

Group Work

Second Keynote Lecture by Guri Rørtveit, Bergen, Norway
"Strengthen primary care through research"

Closing and Good bye

What to expect?

…the future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
blowing with the wind of change…
The Scorpions: Wind of change

The topic of our pre-conference is "Wind of Change in Family Medicine".

Wind of change is not only the inofficial anthem of the fall of the Berlin wall and a perfect expression for Berlin's recent history. Wind of change also reflects the changes in general practice and family medicine as well as societal changes in the concept and meaning of family. Both changes influence our daily practice as young GPs.

Family medicine has, so far, often been based on traditional heteronormative family models. In this pre-conference, we want to widen our horizon and work on the meaning of family. What does family mean for e.g. for LGBTI-patients, lone parents, lonesome patients, refugee families and patchwork families and so forth?

The results of the pre-conference will be presented at the main conference. We want to stipulate discussions on the main conference with the pre-conference results. Thus, we hope to produce some wind of change for family medicine to shape our own future.

Be part of this interesting day!