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Conference Topics

This event is intended to be an important event for European GP/FM. To this end there will be opportunities to discuss the main topics and other issues that may arise from them:

  • Quality in Primary Health Care
  • Research in General Practice and Family Medicine
  • Strengthening the role of GP/FM in medical education
  • Comprehensiveness of care
  • New organisational models in primary care
  • Post-modern Consultation
  • Prevention of disease
  • Health promotion
  • Pharmacogenomics - personalised medicine
  • Chronic Patient's Management
  • Information and Communications Technology in GP/FM
  • GP/FM and primary health care in the sustainability of health systems
  • Complexity of outpatient care
The scientific programme will offers:
  • Keynote lectures
  • Parallel Sessions
  • State-of-the-art sessions
  • Thematic tracks
  • Oral presentations
  • Round-table discussions
  • Practical skills training sessions
  • Discussion sessions
  • Poster presentations
  • Workshops
  • Satellite symposia and meetings


• Innovation in GP/FM and primary care
By its very nature our speciality is innovative. Family doctors work in a spirit of innovation on a daily basis, as they strive to provide quality care to their patients. This ability to innovate means that the speciality is constantly changing as it adapts to the needs and social-cultural context of people in the 21st century. The rate at which technology moves forward and the speed with which information is transmitted means that science achieves the unimaginable in a very short time. The same is true in the area of health, but medicine has its own characteristics and they ensure it to evolve itself in a different way. The family doctor encourages innovation by linking technical development with the value of the relationship with patients and the humanistic dimension of medicine.
• Personalized and comprehensive care
By the growing use of the information and communication technologies in the age of modern medicine, several barriers have emerged between the doctor and his patient. Therefore, the speciality of GP/FM is the model of convergence of the two basic elements of medicine. The clinical practice of the family doctor is based on concepts that reinforce the bond with the patient. Now, more than ever, health care must be personalized and should handle the majority of problems of the population served, within the biggest variety of settings and close to people. This speciality leads the international production of knowledge and research in the areas of health policy and systems, and this has helped to strengthen its orientation towards the community, with its accessible and attainable services.
• Knowledge management
Family doctors deal with uncertainty on a daily basis, as they handle complex situations. International literature and a number of medical conferences have focused on this topic, and GP/FM remains at the forefront in researching complexity theory and knowledge management, when it regards to health care. Family doctors have skills that go beyond clinical practice - they are notable users of information technologies and efficient managers of the extensive knowledge they need to apply in their work.
• The new generation of family doctors
The new routes of GP/FM are now being strengthened by the motivation and enthusiasm of trainees and young family doctors. This is a generation that believes in their speciality as being the medical field which best serves people's needs and contributes the most to the sustainability of health systems. The new generation of GPs is the future of the speciality, and the guarantee of its further progress. The production of new ideas and the ceaseless reinvention of organisational models are fundamental to an innovative medical culture and for the provision of modern, high quality health care.

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