See You
in Brussels!



SQUARE Convention Centre, Brussels
7-10 June, 2023



Background and aims

WONCA Europe Brussels HOC and European Young Family Doctors’ Movement have joined forces to financially support young family physicians across the region and bring them closer to the international community of general practitioners. The truly inspirational power and strength of WONCA Europe and EYFDM community are based on the diversity of their members. Each member is equally important but there is no equality without equity. The Fund has been created in order to equalize opportunities for participating in WONCA Europe Conference and EYFDM Preconference in Brussels. We use the Fund especially to support those who have low income, as well as those who are new to the international community of Family Physicians. We are convinced that participation in the mentioned events can boost the motivation of being a great physician and build a strong network of family doctors across the continent. Our goal is to strengthen Primary Care in the European region by reinforcing, inspiring, and connecting its general practitioners. 


There are two bursaries thresholds: 1000 € and 400 €. The final amount of the bursary given to the applicant will be decided by the Jury. The refund can cover:

  • registration fee for the EYFDM Preconference Brussels 2023
  • registration fee for the WONCA Europe Conference Brussels 2023
  • the cost of train travel or other public transport to EYFDM Preconference and WONCA Europe Conference in Brussels. Flights will be reimbursed if the journey is not possible by public transport
  • the cost of accommodation during EYFDM Preconference and WONCA Europe Conference in Brussels


  • Application form (saved Name_AF_Brussels 2023) see below
  • Proof of a young doctor status: GP trainee or during the first 6 years after training (saved as Name_Status_Brussels2022)
  • Applicant’s picture (saved as Name_Picture_Brussels2023)

All the documents must be sent to 


  • All the documents must be sent to the by the 20th of March.
  • The applicants will be informed about the results through emails by the end of March.
  • The results will be then announced on

Other requirements

  • The applicant will be asked to describe her/his experience (using 250–500 words) within one month after attending the event.
  • The applicant will be asked to send the proof of incurred costs (e.g.bills, invoices).
  • The applicant has to attend both events: WONCA Europe Conference and EYFDM Preconference.

The reimbursement will be given up to one month after finalising mentioned above requirements.


The Selection of the Fund recipients will be made by a Jury made up of representatives from EYFDM and WONCA Europe who will evaluate the application forms.

Exclusion criteria

We cannot provide the reimbursement if the Fund recipient:

  • is not from a country that is within the WONCA Europe region
  • is not a young family physicians
  • fails to prove attendance at the WONCA Europe Conference and EYFDM Preconference in Brussels
  • attended the WONCA Europe Conference without attending EYFDM Preconference or attend EYFDM Preconference without attending WONCA Europe Conference
  • fails to send a report of her/his experience within one month after the event
  • fails to prove the incurred costs
  • is a winner of a previous WONCA/EYFDM (previously VdGM) fund scholarship
  • lives currently in Belgium

Special terms for young family physicians from Ukraine

Two bursaries will be reserved only for applicants from Ukraine. Applicants from Ukraine will undergo the same application process, they have to fulfil all the criteria that are described here.


By applying for the Fund, the applicant agrees on:

  • using her/his photo publicity purposes on the WONCA Europe/ EYFDM social media channels and/or website
  • publishing her/his report about the attended events (live and/or virtual) for publicity purposes on the WONCA Europe/ EYFDM social media channels and/or website

The aim of these two consents is to disseminate the value of participation in the mentioned events and raise awareness of the significance of the Fund. The personal data can be omitted at the request of the candidate.

Application form

 Download Application form

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