See You
in Brussels!



SQUARE Convention Centre, Brussels
7-10 June, 2023



Forms of presentation you can have 

Presentation forms in brief:

 State of the art session: 60 or 75 minutes. Presentation and discussion of new medical aspects/knowledge/publications which could change our work in General Practice (GP)/Family medicine (FM)

 Workshop (WONCA Network Workshop or regular workshop): 60 or 75 minutes. Interactive group sessions about relevant topics for GP/FM, can also be used to train practical skills
- WONCA Network Workshop: Only WONCA Networks, SIGs and Working parties are eligible to submit abstracts of WONCA Network Workshops. 
- Regular Workshop: This option is not for Network Workshops.  Do not use this option if you are submitting a Network workshop for the slot that has been offered to your  WONCA Network, SIG or Working party by the Scientific Commitee.

 Symposium: 60 or 75 minutes. Presentation and discussion of different aspects of a special topic. To apply for a symposium, a framework abstract must be submitted which describes the overall topic, the title of the (max. 6) individual contributions and the names of the lecturers as well as the added value of a symposium presentation compared to individual lectures. It is NOT required to submit individual abstracts of lectures that are included in the symposium.

 Oral – From the practice to research: Ideas about research projects out of GPs/FMs office 4 min presentation, 8 min discussion. Practitioners get the possibility to combine their own experience with ideas about research

 Oral – Science Slam: popular format of presenting results of scientific work: within 10 minutes you can evoke enthusiasm for science and address the public emotionally. They will vote for the best presentations which are proclaimed immediately at the end of the session.

 Oral – Lecture: 10 min, 5 min discussion

Oral –1 Slide – 5 minutes lecture: 3 min presentation, 2 min discussion

 Case presentation by young doctors: Discussion of Diagnostic/therapy with cases: 5 min presentation, 10 min discussion for young doctors and mentors

 Poster:  Posters can be presented on paper at the conference venue or digitally only. Special screens and search functions for the digital format will be on site. Two options are available:
- Paper poster + ePoster: Poster will be displayed in paper format during the congress, and will be available digitally
- ePoster only: ePosters can be searched and viewed on special screens, but are not displayed

Presentation forms in detail:

 State of the art session
Duration 60 or 75 minutes. Presentation and discussion of new medical aspects/knowledge/publications which are relevant and could change our work in General Practice (GP)/Family medicine (FM).

This is mainly a format for medical education discussing also the methodology of underlying studies and integrating knowledge of the other participants. How and in which situations should we change our diagnostic, therapeutic or management strategies and which are confirmed?

Practical information: The submitter of the State of the Art session can decide the number and lengths of presentations that are included in the session.

 Workshop( WONCA Network Workshop or regular workshop)
Duration 60 or 75 minutes

With a thematic, practical or methodical focus and an interactive, activating format that strongly involves the participants. A rough time schedule with the activating methods must be submitted for the workshop.

Practical information:
- Submitters will propose the whole workshop including a workshop title and a list of presenters.
- All authors are welcome to submit ‘Regular Workshops’.
- Only WONCA Networks, SIGs and Working parties can submit ‘WONCA Network Workshops’

60 or 75 min

Symposia can be submitted by working groups or consortia to present different results of a larger project in context. For example, symposia are suitable for:

- cluster-randomised controlled studies to discuss different endpoints
- mixed methods studies, from which qualitative research results are to be presented in connection with quantitative results
- Results from care studies with reference to implementation in standard care
- different studies on the same topic.

If possible, external researchers who do not belong to the same working group and who present the results in the same or a suitable field should also be involved.

To apply for a symposium, a framework abstract must be submitted which describes the overall topic, the title of the (max. 6) individual contributions and the names of the lecturers as well as the added value of a symposium presentation compared to individual lectures.

It is NOT required to submit individual abstracts of lectures that are included in the symposium.

Practical information: The submitter of the Symposium can decide a number and lengths of presentations that are included in the symposium.

 Oral – From the practice to research
Research ideas from practice
4 minutes presentation
8 minutes discussion

This format offers general practitioners the opportunity to combine their own practical experience with research ideas.

The idea is briefly presented and poured into a potential research project with experts present. The combination of empirical medicine and evidence is in the foreground here.

 Oral – Science slam
The Science Slam is suitable for entertainers and story plates. Show why your heart is attached to your research project! A 10-minute slam with high entertainment value for scientists AND amateurs.

No "dry science" but science packed excitingly and vividly! (An example can be found here Award ceremony directly at the end of the session!

Important: There is no need to worry if you don't feel like an entertainer. All presentations are welcome and you can present your abstract as you wish, provided you stay within the assigned time slot allocated for you.

 Oral – Lecture
10 minutes lecture
The scientific lecture serves the presentation of research projects, results within the target group. If a presentation (e.g. with PowerPoint) is planned, the maximum number of slides is 10 (plus one title slide and one closing slide).

5 minutes discussion
The effects on science and practice will be discussed together with the lecturer. In addition, ideas and messages from the plenum should stimulate discussion.

 Oral – 1 slide – 5 minutes lectures
5 minutes lecture (3 min presentation, 2 min discussion)

Brevity is the soul of wit! Show the central aspects of your work on one slide. It is not the mass of information that makes it, but the targeted and step-by-step structure, if necessary with an animated slide. Particularly suitable for introducing a new project or process. Methodically complex contributions or result discussions are less suitable for this format.

 Case presentation by young doctors
5 minutes of presentation, 10 minutes of discussion for young doctors and mentors: description of a patient with complaint und what followed: what can we learn from this? How should further management be performed?

Present your poster in one of the respective poster sessions or as e‑Poster.




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